Friday, 6 April 2012

Animations continued..

Following my last animations that showed the spaces
closing in on thevisitor, I went back to try ones that
shift wide open again, changingthe parameters slightly.
In this video, with speed reduced by half, I applied 1
pixel shift every 5 frames.
First thing I realised with this work is that it does not
matter so much what shift I apply, as long as the video
is played initially at the correct speed, it will work.
The main difference will be the intensity of the shifts
and how perceptible they are to the viewers' eyes.
Another thing that this animation proves is that the
spaces that close in around a person look much more
powerful in the film than these that open wide.Therefore
I will focus mainly on that from now, at least for a while.

The following two animations are variations on the one
above, first with only half of the layers left, the figures
shifting 2pixels per 10 frames;
and another version when I kept the opacity of all
elements at 100% throughout to see what the visual
result of that will be: